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Chinese Black Cock Slut

I am a Chinese woman who fucks only Black men and believes strongly in Black Supremacy. I am 52, originally from China but living in the U.K. for the last 25 years.I am married to an older white man but we haven’t fucked in 12 years, as I now find white men repulsive sexually. I tried for over 12 years to have a Black baby but cannot. I have fucked over 200 different Black men and almost all of them have cum in my bare pussy, and I would have been proud to carry any of their children. I have a Black master who lives with me and my husband and rules us both. I am bisexual and love Black women as well as Black men. Indeed I believe Black men and women are Gods and we of the lesser races must worship them and serve them and help them take charge everywhere. I mainly want to talk to women who have gone Black or are thinking about it, especially those who want to have Black children and help create a much darker and better world. I am also willing to talk to white husbands who want to convince their wives to go Black if they are willing to support them also having Black children. I am especially eager to talk to white girls and women in their late teens and twenties, and hope to convince them to have lots of Black babies as soon as possible to help rid the world of white people as quickly as we can.

My Evolution

I lost my virginity in China to a Chinese man when I was 22. It was not o good experience. I did not close to having an orgasm, although the nice tingly feeling convinced me that sex might be fun. I had several other Asian men, all terrible in bed, before I moved to the UK when I was 26. When I made the move I swore off Asian men forever, and cameto the UK intending to serve white men and have white babies. I have always believed women should serve men, but quickly learned Asian men were not worthy. I was sure white men would be better, and indeed they were.

Forthe next seven years of my life, like a great many Chinese women I was a white supremacy advocate. I fucked quite a few white men, married one and fucked others behind his back, including my second (and current) husband. I never had an orgasm with any of these white men, but I discovered cock size was important and sex could be nice. But as time went on I saw that with white men I was if anything the one in charge, and certainly none of my white lovers dominated me in the way I thought men should dominate women.

i met my current husband when I was 31. He was no better than any of the others at fucking, but what attracted me to him, apart from his job and personality, was that he was really good at eating pussy and loved doing it. He also loved receiving blowjobs. I have always enjoyed giving blowjobs and really like the taste and feel of cum. We tried fucking the first year we were together but quickly discovered we both preferred oral sex, and soon were pretty much exclusively oral. I also discovered women then, and found I loved eating pussy too. I seriously considered giving up fucking entirely and becoming lesbian except for my husband. Although my husband made clear from the start that I was free to fuck other men, I didn’t want to. Women were much more attractive. My husband and I shared quite a few, and were completely happy.

as I said in a previous post, my husband knew from several of his previous girlfriends that there were a lot of women who could not cum from sex with white men but did cum with black men. He suggested I try black before giving up completely on fucking, and eventually convinced me. I wrote about that before, so I will just summarize here by saying I came the first time, and almost every time thereafter, with black men. My first black lover quickly became my first master, and he shared me with other black men. It was life changing. I decided very quickly that black men were real men, worthy of my service and destined to rule the other races. I went from strongly preferring oral sex to strongly preferring fucking. I also discovered anal sex, and went from considering it nice for a change to where I am today, actually preferring anal sex. 

I remained bisexual, but in the early years did not have much experience with black women. In those years black women I met actually resented me and also the many white women who were going black, thinking we were stealing their men. In recent years black women have decided that they will benefit from this lifestyle and have started to embrace it. As that has happened I have started having sex with black women a lot more. I love them, and consider black women to be every bit as superior as black men. If anything they are even more dominant than black men. Black men mainly just want to fuck, while black women concentrate on dominating the lesser races. They are especially insistent on having us lick their asses, something I love doing.

both I and my husband are noe totally devoted to serving the black race, both men and women. We are working for a world where blacks are firmly in charge, with other races serving them sexually and otherwise. And of course we hope eventually to see a world where everyone is black, and at a minimum in which there are no more white people.
